Sonia Rao
Mandarin language

Tutor of Leadership Coaching Program of ALCN (Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP) in US Associate Coach with CCL (Center for Creative Leadership)
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) of International Coach Federation (ICF)
Mentor for Post-MBA Program of Fudan University
Sonia has been a coaching trainer and exeutive coach since 2011. She works wih groups of senor leaders and one-on-one coaching with leaders from automobile, finance, real estate, pharmaceutical, retail, manufactoring and Information Technlogy in China. She supports her clients in diverse settings to raise their game in situations of challenge, change and transition. She believes that each person and each team has the potential for greatness and makes it his mission to support leaders and teams in catalyzing their growth.
Sonia had served Fortune 500 and multinational enterprises in diverse industries including manufacturing, retail, real estate, and Finance Service. She has 15 years Human Resources management experience and 10 years experience in people development, holding the post of Senior HR manager and HR Director.
Training Programs
ACTSH Coaching Program certified by ICF, 10days
Fearless and Free Woman Leadership, certified by ICF, 2 days
Coaching for Leaders
Coaching skills for employee development
Area of Coaching
Leadership coaching, executive transition, woman leaderhip coaching and team coaching
Part of Clients
Huawei, Tencent, Citi Bank, Pingan Bank, Ford Motor, Changan Automobile, China Resources, and Roche etc.
Professional Qualifications & Education
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) of International Coach Federation (ICF)
Executive coach certified by ALCN in US
Certified Team Coach certified by IECL (Institute of Executive Coaching & Leadership)
Certified Satir Psychology Consultant
Gestalt Therapy Integrated Program
Mater of Public Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University